Student Scientific Conference with International Participation

On Wednesday November 20, 2024, the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava will host the 26th student scientific conference with international participation under the title "Chemistry and Technology for Life". The abstracts of the registered papers are published in the electronic proceedings with their own ISBN number.

Rozhoď siete

Get a unique opportunity to meet active students and make new friends

Get feedback

The committee will give you valuable advice to improve the quality of your research

Win prizes

Thanks to the generous support of our partners, you have the opportunity to win prizes.

Registration opening

September 16, 2024

Registration deadline

October 31, 2024

Conference date

November 20, 2024

The Student Scientific Conference "Chemistry and Technology for Life" has long been profiled as a platform for promoting scientific work and sharing creative ideas of talented students. We encourage scientific research that brings innovative solutions that take into account sustainable industrial production, environmental and social responsibility. The Student Science Conference is an opportunity for students of 1st cycle (Bachelor) and 2nd cycle (Engineering/Master) undergraduate studies to competitively present scientific and professional work. The best entries in each section will be rewarded. At the Student Scientific Conference, there is also a non-competitive exhibition of works by students of the doctoral studies and a non-competitive poster section for high school students.  

Honorary Chair

Programme Committee

Organizing Committee

doc. Ing. Juraj Oravec, PhD.
chair of the organising committee

doc. Ing. Ľuboš Čirka, PhD.
podpredseda pre administráciu konferenčného systému

Ing. Michaela Horváthová, PhD.
podpredsedníčka pre sprievodný program; riadenie procesov

Ing. Lenka Galčíková, PhD.
podpredsedníčka pre posterovú sekciu

Ing. Tatiana Holkovičová
podpredsedníčka pre spoluprácu s partnermi; potravinárska a kozmetická chémia a technológia

Ing. Erika Pavlovičová
podpredsedníčka pre PR

Ing. Barbora Jankovičová, PhD.
podpredsedníčka pre správu sprievodných konferenčných aktivít; environmentálne inžinierstvo

Ing. Marek Wadinger
podpredseda pre manažovanie procesov

Bc. Martin Krajči
podpredseda pre spoluprácu so študentami

Ing. Michaela Benköová, PhD.
anorganické materiály

Ing. Miroslava Bérešová, PhD.
organická technológia, katalýza a alternatívne palivá

Ing. Olívia Dakošová
anorganické technológie

Ing. Marek Fronc, PhD.
fyzikálna chémia a chemická fyzika

Ing. Dušana Grešová
technológie spracovania a ochrany prírodných a syntetických materiálov

doc. Ing. Katarína Hroboňová, PhD.
analytická chémia

Ing. Lukáš Kolarič, PhD.
potravinárska a kozmetická chémia a technológia

Ing. Martina Kuperová, PhD.
ekonomika a manažment

doc. Ing. Andrea Kvasničáková, PhD.
prírodné a syntetické polyméry

Ing. Dávid Lörinc

Ing. Jaroslava Maroszová, PhD.
anorganická chémia

Ing. Lucia Mencáková
technológie spracovania a ochrany prírodných a syntetických materiálov

Ing. Silvia Mošovská, PhD.
výživa a hodnotenia kvality potravín

doc. Ing. Petra Olejníková, PhD.
biochémia a mikrobiológia

doc. Ing. Roderik Plavec, PhD.
prírodné a syntetické polyméry

Ing. Veronika Rupčíková
chemické a biochemické inžinierstvo

Ing. Zuzana Silná
organická technológia, katalýza a alternatívne palivá

doc. Ing. Peter Szolcsányi, PhD.
organická chémia

Ing. Renáta Števuľová
anorganické technológie

Ing. Alexandra Tulipánová
environmentálne inžinierstvo

Student Feedback

Participant of the 2023 edition

"Experience of presenting scientific work in front of an audience, ability to respond to questions that may not have been expected
and of course new friends from other schools and contacts"

Participant of the 2023 edition

"Great experience of presenting your scientific results
and many interesting suggestions for my research that emerged in the joint discussion"

Participant of the 2023 edition

"It gave me an insight into what other students were doing, showed me the possibilities and motivated me to keep working"


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the chair of the organising committee:

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Where to find us?

Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology ( show on map)
STU in Bratislava
Radlinskeho 9, 812 37 Bratislava

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